Professore ordinario
Cattedra di Chirurgia Plastica, Università di Roma
Policlinico Umberto I
According to respectful authors, Plastic Surgery is one of the few surgical speciality that will increase his field of application by time, in an era were most of the pathologies once belonging to surgery are close to be solved. For this reason the role of teaching Plastic Surgery in medical school has grow during the years, and teaching fundamentals of our discipline to student is wise.
Technique settled for skin repair, tissues transfer, wound healing, chronic ulcer and other aspects characteristic of the "surgery of the shape" are slowly transfer to others surgical specialities and used in different fields.
The possibility to edit an online text, immensely rich in photos and movies, available to students from medical school and university program in Plastic Surgery, is an important opportunity to deliver clear and updated knowledge on different fields of Plastic Surgery.
Never the less mass media has contributed, in the last decade, to raise interest for our discipline which now plays a fundamental role in basic knowledge of medical students from new generation, giving them the possibility to easy and quickly achieve useful information on modern Plastic Surgery through this e-book.
Because of that the e-book has been divided into a general and a special part: basic knowledge of Plastic Surgery are widely described in the first part, while skin tumours, traumas, congenital and acquired malformations of the head and neck, trunk, limbs and urogenital tract, in the second part.
In the second part could not miss a chapter on principle and techniques of aesthetic surgery, which has continuously evolutes with growing interest in the last years.
I'm sure that this type of information will be successful and it is an arrival point for describing Plastic Surgery and a start to get known in a new and updating manner our discipline.
In conclusion, this e-book on Plastic Surgery, deserves a special attention because describes, simply and efficiently, long term experiences from the different authors, with the intent to present the discipline as clear and accessible as possible to readers.