Professore Associato

The project "e-Chirurgia Plastica" starts from the conviction of the importance of the teaching role of the univerisy professor, felt like a duty twards their own disciples. I therefore felt the need to create an interactive teaching tool, modern and updated, as complete as possible, rich of high definition pictures, drowings, animations and movies, so to make plastic surgery learning more interesting, easy and at the same time at lower cost.
The project consist of a teaching web-site and an e-book (delivered on CD) for the students at Medicine School, amoung the most common pathologies in Plastic Surgery and their correction.
The web-site or is composed by a "free section" available to anybody, a "reserved section to students" for customers in possess of the CD (i.e. user and password) and a "reserved section to authors" for chapters editing.
The "free section" includes the project plan, with index chapter, list of authors and two "news" article, the first at disposition of the authors for publishing new surgical procedures and last at disposition of factories to present new products.
The "reserved section to students" provide access to ebook chapters with audiovisual material, and a selftesting section with multiple choice quiz.
The "reserved section to authors" consist of a preformat pattern for easy online text editing, with pictures, legends, animation and movies. Therefore any author, whenever needed, could update his chapter following the innovation of plastic surgery.
The ebook is delivered as a CD including the content of the "section reserved to students", which helps the students learning, and the "username" and "password" to have access to the updated web-site "section reserved to students". Further more the chapters list and its content can be home printed in double column and white space on the side to for learning and notes. E-book on CD will be remastered by edithor according to editing necessity, indipendently from the online version on the web-site, which will be continuosly updated by authors of each chapter. "Username" and "password", provided with the CD, will allow registration to the web-site and on line consultation of the e-book with downloading of the updating.
I dedicate this work first to all suffering patient, which togeter with lovely care of their phisicians can take advantage from it. Then to my Masters, first of all my father, which early showed me the way he began, way of love for others, others suffering, a way plenty of sacrifice but rich of incomparable emotions. Then I dedicate to those Master I had the privilege to meet along my way,
like Prof. Nicolò Scuderi, Prof. Giovanni Micali, Prof. Hans Holmstrom and others that believed in me, did not hesitate to teach me and have supported me in the most difficult moment of tireness and disconfort. Last but not least thanks to all of my patients, which faithfull, allowed me to get more and more experienced, and all my colleagues doctors, nurses that help me during these years, and friends and relatives which take my stress coming from my professional activity.