Director: Prof. Fabio Santanelli di Pompeo
It is a research and clinical program providing a professional training for physicians to acquire specialist competencies in a specific area of surgical application.
Goals: The goal of the course is the acquaintance with the vascular and nervous microsurgical suturing techniques, the preparation of experimental research protocols on animal models and their clinical application, expecially concerning reconstruction procedures of the breast, head and neck and limbs.
Duration: The duration of the program is 3 months, divided in teaching sessions that take place at the Bioscience department of the Tecnopolo of Castel Romano, located in Via di Castel Romano 100 in Rome and at the Sant’Andrea Hospital found in Via Grottarossa 1035, also in Rome.
Admission and Selection criteria: candidate interested to participate the Fellowship should send by mail to the secretary of Prof. Fabio Santanelli di Pompeo (Azienda Ospedaliera Sant’Andrea, via di Grottarossa 1035, 00189 Rome) or by e-mail to [email protected], the participation enquiry in unstamped paper together with the curriculum vitae and a reference letter from the chief of the hospital department or the University of origin. The candidate should also possess the following qualifications:
1. Medical doctor degree and work permit (Medical students can participate in form of a clinical attachment)
2. Medical Professional liability coverage
3. Insurance for work-related injury or accident
4. Health certificate
The candidates will be selected and admitted based on their Curricula and after being invited for an eventual preliminary interview.
Teaching program: The formation course includes 3 months of obligatory attendance and will consist of theory lessons and practical exercises on biological or animal model, performed at the Bioscience department of the Tecnopolo of Castel Romano.
The lessons will deal with the basic methods for the execution of arterial and venous vascular anastomosis, neurorraphies and with the preparation and clinical application of the main microsurgical flaps (aut. Min. Sal. Nr. 179/2010, of 15/10/10).
The rat Wistar will be used as animal model, anesthetized by the veterinary medical personnel under the tutoring guide of the cooperating teachers (ministry authorization as of the article 8 of the Legislative decree. 116/92 “Animal use for teaching purposes”). The available instruments will be an optical microscope with basic microsurgical equipment, suture material and a macro-surgical set including a clamp, scissors and a scalpel. In order to determine the evolution of the apprehension, each participant will be evaluated at the end of each session with a 1 to 5 point system in each of the following parameters: dissection technique, section technique and microsurgical suturing, anastomosis patency and time of execution.
Thanks to an active agreement with the Department of Plastic Surgery of the II Faculty, University of Rome “Sapienza” (art.11 Conv. CHIRPLAST/DBS 21/10/10), it will be possible to integrate, after satisfying the obligatory requests of the Hospital Direction and with no additional charging, the teaching program of the course with the participation during surgical operations at the U.O.D of Plastic Surgery of the Sant’Andrea Hospital of Rome. A certificate of participation will be given at the end. Participants will be allowed to learn the most relevant procedure for reconstruction of the breast, head and neck and limbs.
Teaching Sessions
- Introduction to experimental microsurgery: Microscope, microsurgical instruments and suture material.
- Microsurgical suturing techniques: Neurorraphy, E-E, E-S vascular anastomosis
- Simulation on a non biologic model
- Anatomy of the rat: abdominal and inguinal region
- Practice exercises on the animal model: femoral artery, vein, nerve.
- Practical exercises on the animal model: flap preparation.
- DIEP flap raising and its clinical applications
- SIEA flap raising and its clinical applications
- LAT flap raising and its clinical applications
- Latissimus Dorsi flap raising and its clinical applications
- Fibula flap raising and its clinical applications
- Radial flap raising and its clinical applications
Cost: the admission fee is 1.650,00 €, for medical doctors, resident in training and free practitioner; 2.250,00 physicians from NHC, it includes free affiliation for one year to Società Italiana di Microchirurgia. The maximum number of participants is limited to 2 persons/trimester.
Payment method: Eurotraining Srl - Banca Popolare di Ancona - Via Michelangelo 2 - 65121 Pescara IBAN: IT06J0530815400000000002949 SWIFT CODE: BLOPIT22
Motive: Fellowship in clinical and experimental reconstructive microsurgery: Prof. Fabio Santanelli.
For further informations: Eurotraining Srl - Via B. Bosco, 57/9 - 16121 - Genoa, Email: [email protected] - Tel. +3901042064090.
Dott. Michail Sorotos - email: [email protected] - Tel. + - Fax. +
In collaboration with Zeiss Italia.